University of Minnesota

Abdelkader Tigha v. Thailand, Working Group on Arbitrary Detention,
U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2005/6/Add.1 at 3 (2003).



Communication addressed to the Government on 18 June 2003.

Concerning: Abdelkader Tigha.

The State is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

1. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, in accordance with its methods of work and in order to carry out its task with discretion, objectivity and independence, forwarded to the Government the above-mentioned communication received by it and found to be admissible, in respect of allegations of arbitrary detention reported to have occurred.

2. The Working Group notes with appreciation the information transmitted by the Government concerned in respect of the case in question within 90 days of the transmittal of the case by the Working Group.

3. The Working Group also takes note with appreciation of the information received from the source stating that Abdelkadet Tigha is no longer in detention, that he left Thailand on 22 September 2003 and that he is presently in Jordan.

4. Having examined all the available information, and without determining the arbitrary or not arbitrary character of the detention, the Working Group decides to file the case of Abdelkader Tigha, in accordance with paragraph 17 (a) of its revised methods of work.

Adopted on 27 November 2003


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