University of Minnesota

Alberto Altesor v. Uruguay, Communication No. 10/1977, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/OP/1 at 6 (1984).


Submitted by: Alice Altesor and Victor Hugo Altesor on 10 March 1977
Alleged victim: Alberto Altesor (authors' father)
State party: Uruguay
Date of decision: 26 July 1978 (fourth session)

Request to State party for medical report on alleged victim-Notice to authors of Committee's preclusion if same matter before IACHR

Article of Optional. Protocol: 5 (2) (a)

The Human Rights Committee decides:

1. That the State party be informed that the Committee has taken note, with appreciation, of the information provided by the State party pursuant' to paragraph (c) of the Committee's decision of 26 January 1978, concerning the medical examination and state of health of Alberto Altesor, and that the Committee is looking forward to early receipt of the medical report;

2. That upon receipt, the medical report be transmitted to the authors for their information;

3. That the authors of the communication be informed,
(a) That on the basis of the information before the Committee, and in the absence of more specific information from the authors in support of their contention to the contrary, it appears that case No. 2112 before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights concerns the same matter as that submitted to the Committee by the authors;
(b) That, accordingly, the Committee may be precluded by article 5 (2) (a) of the Optional Protocol from continuing consideration of the communication, unless the authors furnish more specific information in support of their contention that it is not the same matter;

4. That the text of this decision be communicated to the State party and the authors.


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