Elaboration of an international convention to combat desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa, G.A. res. 51/180, 51 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 163, U.N. Doc. A/51/49 (Vol. I) (1996).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolutions 47/188 of 22 December 1992, 48/191 of 21
December 1993, 49/234 of 23 December 1994 and 50/112 of 20 December 1995
related to the elaboration of an international convention to combat
desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or
desertification, particularly in Africa,
      Recalling also the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification,
particularly in Africa,
      Recalling further its resolution 50/114 of 20 December 1995, in which it
recalled the decisions of the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development set forth in chapter 12 of Agenda 21, entitled "Managing fragile
ecosystems:  combating desertification and drought",
      Noting the ongoing work in preparation for the first session of the
Conference of the Parties to the Convention undertaken by the
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the Elaboration of an
International Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries
Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa,
      Noting with satisfaction that to date more than fifty countries have
already ratified the Convention,
      Recalling that, in accordance with article 22, paragraph 4, of the
Convention, the first session of the Conference of the Parties shall be
convened by the interim secretariat of the Convention and shall take place not
later than one year after the date of entry into force of the Convention,
      Having considered the recommendations and decisions made by the
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at its eighth and ninth sessions
regarding the Conference of the Parties to the Convention,
      Having also considered the report of the Secretary-General on the
implementation of resolution 50/112 and on possible requirements for
intergovernmental and secretariat work on the implementation of the Convention
and its regional implementation annexes to respond effectively to the needs in
the African, Asian and Latin American and the Caribbean regions,
      Considering that the Convention is one of the most important
achievements in the implementation of and follow-up to the recommendations and
decisions of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
held at Rio de Janeiro in June 1992,
      Taking into account the basic provisions of its resolution 40/243 of 18
December 1985,
      1.    Welcomes the fact that, in conformity with article 36, paragraph
1, of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those
Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in
Africa, the Convention will enter into force on 26 December 1996, and calls
upon more countries to take appropriate action for the ratification,
acceptance or approval of or accession to the Convention;
      2.    Urges the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the
Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in those
Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in
Africa, at its tenth session, to be held in New York from 6 to 17 January
1997, to aim at finalizing all the outstanding negotiating issues, including
the negotiations of the two working groups and the plan for the preparatory
work for the first session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention;
      3.    Recalls the decision contained in paragraph 4 of its resolution
50/112 and, in this context, takes note of paragraph 3 of Intergovernmental
Negotiating Committee decision 9/5 of 13 September 1996;
      4.    Decides that the first session of the Conference of the Parties to
the Convention shall be held from 29 September to 10 October 1997;
      5.    Accepts with deep appreciation the generous offer of the
Government of Italy to host in Rome, at the headquarters of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the first session of the
Conference of the Parties to the Convention;
      6.    Decides to include the first session of the Conference of the
Parties to the Convention and the meetings of its subsidiary bodies in the
calendar of conferences and meetings for 1997-1998;
      7.    Requests the head of the interim secretariat to continue to
promote cooperation and coordination with other relevant organizations and
entities, particularly those of the United Nations system, in support of the
regional implementation annexes, aimed, inter alia, at facilitating the
efforts of affected developing country parties, particularly those in Africa,
to fulfil their commitments under the Convention;
      8.    Urges all States, the United Nations system, including
international financial institutions, and all other relevant organizations and
actors, to take concrete actions and measures for the full and effective
implementation of the provisions of Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee
resolution 5/1 of 17 June 1994 on urgent action for Africa, as well as to
promote actions for other affected developing countries and regions;
      9.    Notes the arrangements and contributions made by the Secretary-
General and relevant organizations, funds and programmes active in the fields
of desertification and drought;
      10.   Notes with appreciation the contributions made thus far to the
Trust Fund established pursuant to resolution 47/188, and invites Governments,
regional economic integration organizations and other interested organizations
to continue to make voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund to support the
interim secretariat of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and the
work of the Committee, and also for the transition period following the first
session of the Conference of the Parties to support the secretariat of the
Convention and the work of the Conference of the Parties;
      11.   Also notes with appreciation the contributions made to the Special
Voluntary Fund established pursuant to resolution 47/188 to assist developing
countries affected by desertification and drought, in particular the least
developed countries, to participate fully and effectively in the negotiating
process, and invites Governments, regional economic integration organizations
and other organizations to continue to contribute generously to the Fund also
for the transition period following the first session of the Conference of the
      12.   Renews its appeal to Governments, regional economic integration
organizations and other interested organizations, as well as to
non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to continue to make
contributions to relevant United Nations bodies, in order to strengthen their
capacity to support activities to combat desertification and mitigate the
effects of drought in all affected developing countries and regions,
particularly in Africa;
      13.   Requests the Secretary-General, subject to the decision of the
Conference of the Parties at its first session, to consider:
      (a)   Authorizing the secretariat established pursuant to resolution
47/188 to act as secretariat for the transition period following the first
session of the Conference of the Parties until the permanent secretariat
designated by the Conference of the Parties begins operating, which should not
be later than 31 December 1998;
      (b)   Maintaining the arrangements within the current programme budget
for the interim secretariat to support the Convention beyond the first session
of the Conference of the Parties until the permanent secretariat designated by
the Conference of the Parties begins operating, which should not be later than
31 December 1998, and maintaining the arrangements relating to extrabudgetary
      14.   Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to
the attention of all Governments, the relevant specialized agencies, funds and
programmes of the United Nations system, international financial institutions,
other intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and
relevant institutions;
      15.   Also requests the Secretary-General to report to it, at its
fifty-second session, on the implementation of the present resolution and on
any possible implications arising from the report of the Conference of the
Parties to the Convention on its first session;
      16.   Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-second
session an item entitled "Implementation of the United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or
Desertification, particularly in Africa".



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