Transit environment in the landlocked States in Central Asia and their transit developing neighbours, G.A. res. 51/168, 51 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 149, U.N. Doc. A/51/49 (Vol. I) (1996).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolutions 48/169 and 48/170 of 21 December 1993 and
49/102 of 19 December 1994,
      Recalling also the agreed conclusions and recommendations of the first
and the second Meeting of Governmental Experts from Landlocked and Transit
Developing Countries and Representatives of Donor Countries and Financial and
Development Institutions, held in New York from 17 to 19 May 1993 and from 19
to 22 June 1995, respectively, and in particular the conclusions and
recommendations of those meetings pertaining to the newly independent and
developing landlocked States in Central Asia and their transit developing
      Recognizing that the overall socio-economic development efforts of newly
independent and developing landlocked States, seeking to enter world markets
through the establishment of a multicountry transit system, are impeded by a
lack of territorial access to the sea as well as by remoteness and isolation
from world markets,
      Supporting the current efforts being undertaken by the newly independent
and developing landlocked States in Central Asia and their transit developing
neighbours through relevant multilateral, bilateral and regional arrangements
to address the issues regarding the development of a viable transit
infrastructure in the region,
      Considering that the outcome of the Symposium for Landlocked and Transit
Developing Countries, held in New York from 14 to 16 June 1995, in particular
the document entitled "Global framework for transit transport cooperation
between landlocked and transit developing countries and the donor community",
is a practical contribution to the development objectives and efforts of the
United Nations,
      Taking note of the progress report of the Secretary-General of the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on measures designed to
improve the transit transport environment in Central Asia, and considering
that the problems of transit transport facing the Central Asian region need to
be seen against the backdrop of economic changes and the accompanying
challenges, including especially the impact of those changes on the
international and intraregional trade of the countries concerned,
      Recognizing that, to be effective, a transit transport strategy for the
newly independent and developing landlocked States in Central Asia and their
transit developing neighbours should incorporate actions that address both the
problems inhering in the use of existing transit routes and the early
development and smooth functioning of new, alternative routes,
      Emphasizing the importance of strengthening international support
measures to address further the problems of the newly independent and
developing landlocked States in Central Asia and their transit developing
      1.    Takes note of the results of the Technical Meeting on Central
Asia's Transit Transport Links with World Markets, held at Ankara from 7 to 9
November 1995, under the auspices of the United Nations Development Programme
and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;
      2.    Invites the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development and the Governments concerned, in cooperation with the
United Nations Development Programme, the Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific, the Economic Commission for Europe and relevant regional
and international organizations and in accordance with approved programme
priorities and within existing financial resources, to continue elaborating a
programme for improving the efficiency of the current transit environment in
the newly independent and developing landlocked States in Central Asia and
their transit developing neighbours;
      3.    Invites donor countries and multilateral financial and development
institutions, within their mandates, to provide newly independent and
developing landlocked States in Central Asia and their transit developing
neighbours with appropriate financial and technical assistance for the
improvement of the transit environment for those countries;
      4.    Calls upon the United Nations system to continue studying, within
the scope of the implementation of the present resolution, possible ways of
promoting more effective cooperative arrangements between landlocked States in
Central Asia and their transit neighbours and to encourage a more active
supportive role on the part of the donor community;
      5.    Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development to prepare a report on the implementation of the present
resolution, to be submitted to the General Assembly at its fifty-third



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