Maintenance of international security, U.N. Doc. A/RES/50/80 (1995).

Fiftieth session
Agenda item 81



Permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan

The General Assembly,

Having considered
the question of the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan,

Reaffirming the sovereign right of every State to determine independently its foreign policy in accordance with the norms and principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations,
Welcoming the legislative confirmation by Turkmenistan of its status of permanent neutrality,

Welcoming also the desire of Turkmenistan to play an active and positive role in developing peaceful, friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the countries of the region and other States of the world,

Expressing the hope that the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan will contribute to the strengthening of peace and security in the region,

Taking note of the support by the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and by the Economic Cooperation Organization of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan,

Recognizing that the adoption by Turkmenistan of the status of permanent neutrality does not affect the fulfilment of its obligations under the Charter and will contribute to the achievement of the purposes of the United Nations,

1. Recognizes and supports the status of permanent neutrality declared by Turkmenistan;

2. Calls upon States Members of the United Nations to respect and support this status of Turkmenistan and also to respect its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

90th plenary meeting
12 December 1995


Development of good-neighbourly relations among Balkan States

The General Assembly,

its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, the annex to which contains the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and its resolutions 46/62 of 9 December 1991 and 48/84 B of 16 December 1993,

Affirming its determination that all nations should live together in peace with one another as good neighbours,

Emphasizing the urgency of the consolidation of the Balkans as a region of peace, security, stability and good-neighbourliness, thus contributing to the maintenance of international peace and security and so enhancing the prospects for sustained development and prosperity for all its peoples,

Noting the desire of the Balkan States to develop good-neighbourly relations among themselves and friendly relations with all nations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,

Welcoming the present international efforts aimed at achieving an overall political settlement of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the development of good-neighbourly relations among the Balkan States, A/50/412 and Add.1.

Stressing the importance of the ongoing cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,

Taking note of its deliberations on the subject at its present session,

1. Notes with interest the views of some States on the development of good-neighbourly relations among the Balkan States contained in the report of the Secretary-General;

2. Urges relevant international organizations and competent bodies and organizations of the United Nations system to submit to the Secretary- General their views on the subject;

3. Calls upon all Balkan States to endeavour to promote good-neighbourly relations and continually to undertake unilateral and joint activities, particularly confidence-building measures as appropriate, in particular within the framework of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe;

4. Emphasizes the importance for all Balkan States to promote mutual cooperation in all fields;

5. Stresses that closer engagement of Balkan States in cooperation arrangements on the European continent will favourably influence the political and economic situation in the region, as well as the good- neighbourly relations among all Balkan States;

6. Urges normalization of the relations among all States of the Balkan region;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to seek the views of the Member States, particularly those from the Balkan region, and of international organizations, as well as of competent organs of the United Nations, on the development of good-neighbourly relations in the region and on measures and preventive activities aimed at the creation of a stable zone of peace and cooperation in the Balkans by the year 2000, and to submit a report to the General Assembly at its fifty-second session taking into account, inter alia, the views expressed by Member States;

8. Decides to consider the report of the Secretary-General on the subject at its fifty-second session.

90th plenary meeting
12 December 1995 .

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