Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, G.A. res. 50/245, 50 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 14, U.N. Doc. A/50/49 (Vol. II) (1995).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolution 50/65 of 12 December 1995, in which the
Assembly declared its readiness to resume consideration of the item
"Comprehensive test- ban treaty", as necessary, before its fifty-first session
in order to endorse the text of a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty,
      1.    Adopts the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, as contained in
document A/50/1027;
      2.    Requests the Secretary-General, as depositary of the Treaty, to
open it for signature, at United Nations Headquarters, at the earliest
possible date;
      3.    Calls upon all States to sign and, thereafter, according to their
respective constitutional processes, to become parties to the Treaty at the
earliest possible date;
      4.    Also requests the Secretary-General, as depositary of the Treaty,
to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-second session on the status of
signature and ratifications of the Treaty.



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