Relocation of Ukraine to the Group of Member States Set Out in Paragraph 3(c) of General Assembly Resolution 43/232, G.A. res. 50/224, 50 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 29, U.N. Doc. A/50/49 (Vol. II) (1995).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolution 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and its
subsequent resolutions relating to the composition of the existing groups for
the apportionment of the expenses of peace-keeping operations, the latest of
which are resolution 49/249 A of 20 July 1995 and resolution 49/249 B of 14
September 1995,
      Having considered the request of Ukraine for reclassification from group
B to group C,
      1.    Welcomes with great satisfaction the voluntary decision made by
the Government of Greece to reclassify Greece from group C to group B;
      2.    Decides, as an ad hoc arrangement:
      (a)   To note the voluntary decision made by the Government of Greece
and to place Greece among the Member States referred to in paragraph 3 (b) of
resolution 43/232 of 1 March 1989 and, in accordance with that decision, to
apportion its share of the costs of peace-keeping operations financed through
assessed contributions on the basis of the proportions determined by the scale
of assessments in the following manner:  35 per cent beginning 1 July 1996, 55
per cent in 1997, 75 per cent in 1998, 95 per cent in 1999 and 100 per cent in
2000 and subsequent years;
      (b)   To begin the transition of Ukraine to the group of Member States
referred to in paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 43/232 on the understanding that
the reduction in the United States dollar amounts to be assessed on Ukraine
beginning 1 July 1996 shall be equal to the additional United States dollar
amounts assessed on Greece in accordance with paragraph 2 (a) above, on the
basis that this decision will be adjusted as appropriate to conform with any
future relevant decisions adopted by the General Assembly;
      3.    Stresses that paragraph 2 above does not result in any change in
the assessments for financing peace-keeping operations of other Member States;
      4.    Notes the intention as stated by Ukraine on 29 March 1996 in the
Fifth Committee concerning the settlement of its arrears;
      5.    Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-first
session the item entitled "Relocation of Ukraine to the group of Member States
set out in paragraph 3 (c) of General Assembly resolution 43/232".



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