Reform of the Procedures for Determining Reimbursement to Member States for Contingent-Owned Equipment, G.A. res. 50/222, 50 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 28, U.N. Doc. A/50/49 (Vol. II) (1995).

      The General Assembly,
      Taking note of the reports of the Working Groups on Contingent-Owned
Equipment, established pursuant to its resolution 49/233 A of 23 December
      Taking note also of the report of the Secretary-General,
      Taking note further of the report of the Advisory Committee on
Administrative and Budgetary Questions,
      1.    Endorses the recommendations of the Working Groups on Contingent-
Owned Equipment on the reform of the procedures for determining reimbursement
to Member States for contingent-owned equipment, subject to the provisions of
the present resolution;
      2.    Decides to endorse the proposal concerning loss or damage to
contingent-owned equipment, other than loss or damage to major equipment due
to hostile action or forced abandonment, as presented in paragraph 13 of the
report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;
      3.    Also decides that the reformed procedures for determining
reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment shall be in
place as from 1 July 1996 on the basis of the recommendations contained in
paragraph 51 of the report of the Phase III Working Group and paragraph 20 of
the report of the Advisory Committee;
      4.    Further decides to review the operation of the reformed procedures
for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment
at its fifty-second session;
      5.    Requests the Secretary-General, in this regard, to submit for its
consideration a report on the first full year of implementation of the
reformed procedures;
      6.    Decides that the above-mentioned review and report shall pertain
to all elements of the reformed procedures, in particular to those elements of
the recommendations of the Working Groups that were not specifically endorsed
by the Secretary-General in his report, and decides to request the
Secretary-General in this regard to include in the above-mentioned report
comparative data on the differences between the adopted system and other
proposals contained in the reports of the Secretary-General and the Advisory
      7.    Requests the Secretary-General to inform all Member States by 30
May 1996 of the establishment of the new procedures for determining
reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment.



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