Working Capital Fund for the Biennium 1996-1997, G.A. res. 50/218, U.N. Doc. A/RES/50/218 (1995)

      The General Assembly
      Resolves that:
      1.    The Working Capital Fund shall be established for the biennium
1996-1997 in the amount of 100 million United States dollars;
      2.    Member States shall make advances to the Working Capital Fund in
accordance with the scale adopted by the General Assembly for contributions of
Member States to the budget for the year 1996;
      3.    There shall be set off against this allocation of advances:
      (a)   Credits to Member States resulting from transfers made in 1959 and
1960 from the surplus account to the Working Capital Fund in an adjusted
amount of 1,025,092 dollars;
      (b)   Cash advances paid by Member States to the Working Capital Fund
for the biennium 1994-1995 in accordance with General Assembly resolution
48/232 of 23 December 1993;
      4.    Should the credits and advances paid by any Member State to the
Working Capital Fund for the biennium 1994-1995 exceed the amount of that
Member State's advance under the provisions of paragraph 2 above, the excess
shall be set off against the amount of the contributions payable by the Member
State in respect of the biennium 1996-1997;
      5.    The Secretary-General is authorized to advance from the Working
Capital Fund:
      (a)   Such sums as may be necessary to finance budgetary appropriations
pending the receipt of contributions; sums so advanced shall be reimbursed as
soon as receipts from contributions are available for the purpose;
      (b)   Such sums as may be necessary to finance commitments that may be
duly authorized under the provisions of the resolutions adopted by the General
Assembly, in particular resolution 50/217 of 23 December 1995 relating to
unforeseen and extraordinary expenses; the Secretary-General shall make
provision in the budget estimates for reimbursing the Working Capital Fund;
      (c)   Such sums as may be necessary to continue the revolving fund to
finance miscellaneous self-liquidating purchases and activities which,
together with net sums outstanding for the same purpose, do not exceed 200,000
dollars; advances in excess of the total of 200,000 dollars may be made with
the prior concurrence of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and
Budgetary Questions;
      (d)   With the prior concurrence of the Advisory Committee, such sums as
may be required to finance payments of advance insurance premiums where the
period of insurance extends beyond the end of the biennium in which payment is
made; the Secretary-General shall make provision in the budget estimates of
each biennium, during the life of the related policies, to cover the charges
applicable to each biennium;
      (e)   Such sums as may be necessary to enable the Tax Equalization Fund
to meet current commitments pending the accumulation of credits; such advances
shall be repaid as soon as credits are available in the Tax Equalization Fund;
      6.    Should the provision in paragraph 1 above prove inadequate to meet
the purposes normally related to the Working Capital Fund, the
Secretary-General is authorized to utilize, in the biennium 1996-1997, cash
from special funds and accounts in his custody, under the conditions approved
by the General Assembly in its resolution 1341 (XIII) of 13 December 1958, or
the proceeds of loans authorized by the Assembly.



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