Scale of Assessments for the Apportionment of the Expenses of the United Nations, G.A. res. 50/207, 50 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 19, U.N. Doc. A/50/49 (Vol. II) (1995).

      The General Assembly,
      Noting the requests by Azerbaijan, Comoros, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,
Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan that, as an
exceptional measure, any arrears in respect of assessed contributions for the
regular budget of the United Nations, peace-keeping operations or
international tribunals as at 1 January 1996 and for 1996 be treated as being
attributable to conditions beyond their control and that, accordingly, the
question of the application of Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations
should not arise,
     1.   Recognizes the importance of requests with respect to the
application of Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations being
considered by the Committee on Contributions in accordance with rule 160 of
the rules of procedure of the General Assembly;
     2.   Requests the Committee to hold a special session of one week's
duration as early as possible in 1996 to consider representations from Member
States with respect to the application of Article 19 of the Charter and to
report thereon to the General Assembly at its resumed fiftieth session
pursuant to rule 160 of the rules of procedure;
     3.   Invites Member States to submit detailed information to the
Committee in explanation of their requests as soon as possible so as to
facilitate the work of the Committee;
     4.   Decides to consider the report of the Committee  on this matter as
early as possible during its resumed fiftieth session.
      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolution 50/207 A of 23 December 1995,
      Noting the number of requests by Member States to avoid the application
of Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations,
      1.    Takes note of the report of the Committee on Contributions on its
special session held at Headquarters from 26 February to 1 March 1996;
      2.    Decides that the failure of Liberia and Rwanda to pay the minimum
amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 of the Charter of the
United Nations is due to conditions beyond their control and that,
accordingly, they shall be permitted to vote through the fifty-first session
of the General Assembly and that any extension shall be subject to review by
the Committee on Contributions;
      3.    Welcomes the intention of Georgia to make within a few months the
minimum payment necessary to regain its right to vote and to pay its debt
completely within the next three years;
      4.    Decides, pending receipt of this minimum payment, to permit
Georgia to vote through the fiftieth session of the General Assembly;
      5.    Takes note of paragraph 40 of the report of the Committee on
Contributions and of the new information presented to the General Assembly
regarding the situation in Tajikistan, which was not available to the
Committee on Contributions at its special session;
      6.    Decides that the failure of Tajikistan to pay the minimum amount
necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 of the Charter is due to
conditions beyond its control and that, accordingly, it shall be permitted to
vote through the fifty-first session of the General Assembly and that any
extension shall be subject to review by the Committee on Contributions;
      7.    Notes that the Committee on Contributions was unable to consider
the representation from Comoros during its special session;
      8.    Requests the Committee on Contributions to consider the
representation from Comoros at its fifty-sixth session and to report thereon
to the General Assembly;
      9.    Decides that, pending consideration of that report by the General
Assembly and as an exceptional measure, Comoros should be permitted to vote
through the fifty-first session of the Assembly;
      10.   Reaffirms the obligation of Member States under Article 17 of the
Charter to bear the expenses of the Organization as apportioned by the General
      11.   Requests the Committee on Contributions to review the procedural
aspects of consideration of requests for exemption under Article 19 of the
Charter and to convey its observations thereon to the General Assembly not
later than the end of the fifty-first session of the Assembly;
      12.   Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the earliest possible
notification of Member States liable to fall under the provisions of Article
19 of the Charter in the following year;
      13.   Also requests the Secretary-General to inform the President of the
General Assembly of Member States subject to the provisions of Article 19 of
the Charter as soon as possible after 1 January of each year, and also to
ensure that a list of such Member States is made available to Member States at
least seven days in advance of the first formal meeting of the General
Assembly in each year.



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