Human Rights in Haiti, G.A. res. 50/196, U.N. Doc. A/RES/50/196 (1995)

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolution 49/201 of 23 December 1994,
      Guided by the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on
Human Rights,
      Taking note of Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/70 of 8 March
1995, in which the Commission requested the Secretary-General to appoint an
independent expert with the mandate to furnish assistance to the Government of
Haiti in the area of human rights, to examine the development of the situation
of human rights in that country, to monitor the fulfilment by Haiti of its
obligations in this field and to submit a report to the General Assembly at
its fiftieth session and to the Commission on Human Rights at its fifty-second
      Recognizing the work carried out by the International Civilian Mission
to Haiti for the defence of human rights, and recalling General Assembly
resolution 49/27 B of 12 July 1995, in which it decided to authorize the
extension of the mandate of the Mission,
      1.    Expresses its thanks for the efforts of the Secretary-General and
his Special Representative for Haiti in favour of the consolidation of
democratic institutions in Haiti and the respect for human rights in that
      2.    Welcomes the satisfactory evolution of the political process in
Haiti and the holding of legislative and municipal elections and the
forthcoming presidential elections, in accordance with the Constitution, as
indispensable elements in the strengthening of democratic institutions;
      3.    Takes note with appreciation of the report of the independent
expert of the Commission on Human Rights, Mr. Adama Dieng, on the situation of
human rights in Haiti and the recommendations contained therein;
      4.    Expresses its concern about the recent incidents of violence, in
particular the assassination of a member of the Haitian Parliament, and hopes
that such acts and other incidents of violence will not impede continued
progress in the field of human rights and the consolidation of constitutional
      5.    Welcomes the establishment of the programme of technical
cooperation prepared by the Centre for Human Rights of the Secretariat aimed
at strengthening the institutional capacity in the field of human rights,
particularly in the areas of legislative reform, training for justice
administration personnel and human rights education;
      6.    Requests the Secretary-General, through the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights and the Centre for Human Rights, to take
appropriate steps to ensure financial and technical resources for the
implementation of such a programme;
      7.    Expresses its support for the work currently undertaken by the
National Commission of Truth and Justice, with the cooperation of the
International Civilian Mission to Haiti, in its investigation of past human
rights abuses, and looks forward to its report at the end of 1995;
      8.    Decides to continue its consideration of the situation of human
rights and fundamental freedoms in Haiti at its fifty-first session, on the
basis of information provided by the Commission on Human Rights and the
Economic and Social Council.



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