Financial situation of the United Nations, G.A. res. 49/143, 49 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 54, U.N. Doc. A/49/49 (1994).

The General Assembly,

Article 17 of the Charter of the United Nations,

Expressing its profound concern about the financial situation of the Organization,

Noting the views expressed by Member States during the general debate on the financial difficulties of the Organization which have resulted, inter alia, from the failure of Member States to discharge their financial obligations to the Organization in full and on time,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization 1/ and of his statement to the General Assembly on 12 October 1994 on the precariousness of the financial situation of the Organization, 2/

Noting also the views expressed by Member States during its consideration, in plenary meeting, of the financial situation of the Organization, under item 10 of the agenda of its forty-ninth session,

Aware of the importance and urgency of securing a viable financial basis for the Organization,

Aware also that the solution of the serious financial situation of the Organization calls for political efforts,

Reaffirming the role of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly with regard to budgetary and financial matters and the importance of making every effort to establish the broadest possible agreement in accordance with the practice established in the Fifth Committee and in conformity with Assembly resolution 41/213 of 19 December 1986,

1. Decides to consider additional measures aimed at ensuring a sound and viable financial basis for the Organization;

2. Also decides, to this end, to establish a high-level open-ended working group under the chairmanship of the President of the General Assembly and with two vice-chairmen;

3. Requests the high-level working group to submit to it, through the Fifth Committee, a report on the progress of its work, with the broadest possible agreement, for review before the end of its forty-ninth session.

94th plenary meeting
23 December 1994


1/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 1 (A/49/1).

2/ See Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Plenary Meetings, 28th meeting, and corrigendum.

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