Resource mobilization for the implementation of the regional action programme for phase II (1992-1996) of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific, G.A. res. 48/177, 48 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 156, U.N. Doc. A/48/49 (1993).

The General Assembly,

Taking note of resolution 49/2 of 29 April 1993 of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on resource mobilization for the implementation of the regional action programme for phase II (1992-1996) of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific,

Recalling its resolution 39/227 of 18 December 1984, by which it proclaimed the period 1985-1994 the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific, and Economic and Social Council resolution 1984/78 of 27 July 1984 on the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific, 1985-1994,

Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolution 1991/75 of 26 July 1991, in which the Council urged all appropriate international organizations, particularly the United Nations Development Programme, to contribute effectively to the formulation and implementation of a regional action programme for the second half of the Decade, and General Assembly decision 46/453 of 20 December 1991, in which the Assembly endorsed Council resolution 1991/75,

Reaffirming the importance of phase II (1992-1996) of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific,

Noting that it may not be possible to implement the regional action programme effectively and efficiently without adequate funds, and noting the decision of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in this regard,

1. Requests the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme to keep under review the level of funding to be provided for the implementation of the regional action programme, so that phase II (1992-1996) of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific will have a greater impact;

2. Requests bilateral donors to take note of General Assembly decision 46/453, so as to ensure that the programme approved by the Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport and Communications, held at Bangkok from 3 to 5 June 1992, will be implemented effectively;

3. Invites all Governments in a position to do so to contribute to the implementation of the programme approved by the Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport and Communications;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session on the implementation of the present resolution.

86th plenary meeting
21 December 1993