University of Minnesota


National Human Rights Institutions - Tunisia

Political and Legal Rights

All Get Together
A group of sixty associations of civil society initiatives and many independent citizens working together to create a strong movement, open and effective to advance hand in hand, together in the sense of our Tunisian model encompassing 3,000 years of history and civilization for tomorrow's Tunisia modern republican and democratic
nawaat: A collective Blog to defend Human Rights
Launched in 2004, Aware that the conquest of freedom is a battle to be fought daily in total independence.
Young Independent Democrates
Formed following the Tunisian Revolution, the Young Independent Democrats group consists of young Tunisians living in Tunisia, mostly students, who have chosen different paths (law, medicine, cinema, languages, science) but who share the values of citizenship and democracy.
Blog of The Civil society Project

DCAF Tunis
Tunisia assistance program to reform the security sector that leads DCAF Tunisia, together with its local partners.

African Center for the Training of Journalists and Communicators (CAPJC)
Civil Society News and Events
Exchange Corruption: La Bourse de la Corruption
Your Choice
The platform that will guide you in your choice for political elections.
Tunisian Association of Young Lawyers

Social and Economic Rights

Tunisian General Union of Work (UGTT)
The Tunisian Journalists syndicate
The Tunisian Union of Farming and Fishing
The Organization for the Defense of the Consumer
Institute for the Promotion of Disabled
Tunisian Association for Right to Health
Program of National Discussion

Women and Children's Rights

The National Union of Tunisian Women
(UNFT) was established in January 1956. It is the first woman’s non-governmental organization to be created in independent Tunisia. Since its inauguration, the UNFT has worked to improve woman’s status; in society and under the law.

Center for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women (CREDIF)
International Council of Women
Defense of women and children's rights through Information Technologies
Tunisian Association of Children's Rights

Environment Protection

Friends of the Earth International
It was founded in 1971 in 1995. ATPNE is an important environmental defender in Tunisia. It also maintains a high profile outside the country for its work as the representative of northern African NGOs in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Women for Sustainable Development (Tunisia)
A Tunisian social and environmental organization, associated with “Le Movement Afro-Mediterranean pour le Développement”

Network of Environmental Organizations

Tunisian Human Rights Organization Abroad

Association for the Support of Children (ASSEN)
The ASSEN is a humanitarian association, established in November 2010. Founded by young Tunisian assets located in France. ASSEN helps the poorest children in Tunisia and around the world.

Tun Action
Founded in 2007 in Paris, France, Tun Action aims to help improve the lives of disadvantaged children.

Association of Tunisians in France Paris (ATF-Paris)
Founded in 1987, the ATF Paris is interested in all aspects of immigration, and issues concerning Tunisian immigration. It is to inform, guide and protect Tunisians abroad on issues relating to their rights and duties and is also involved in promoting dialogue and intercultural exchange

Tunisian Human Rights Activists
Moncef Marzouki: President of Republic of Tunisia
President of Tunisia: Human Rights Activist
(Biography, Articles, Books, and Conferences)
Official Page of The President on Facebook
Samir Dilou: Minister of Human Rights and Transitional Justice
Biography of Samir Dilou
Facebook Page
Radhia Nasraoui: Head of the Tunisian Association Against Torture
Radhia Nasraoui – Leading the fight against torture in Tunisia
Facebook Page
Hamma Hammami: Head of National Front Party
Biography: Persistent politician and activist for workers rights and Democratic change
Facebook Page
Sihem Bensedrin: Journalist and Human Rights Activist
Sihem Bensedrin -Human Rights Watch
Biography: Fighting against Dictatorship
Facebook Page
Abderraouf Ayadi: Secretary General of Congress For The Republic
Biography: Dedicated life against unjustice (Arabic)
Facebook Page



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