University of Minnesota

International Humanitarian Law Links

A. Söderberg Jacobson, Rethink! A Handbook for Sustainable Peace, 2004
Alliance for Rights and Tolerance (Pristina), Good Practices Training Manual, 2002
Asian Human Rights Commission/Human Rights Correspondence School, Child Soldiers, 2000
Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management, Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation
BRIDGE (Development-Gender), Gender and Armed Conflict: Overview Report, 2003
Conflict Resolution Network, Conflict Resolution Trainers Manual: 12 Skills
D. Paul, Protection in Practice: Field-Level Strategies for Protecting Civilians from Deliberate Harm, 1999
Emergency Management Australia, Guidelines for emergency managers working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities
European Court of Human Rights
FAO/WFP, Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis in Emergency Operations: Summary, 2000
Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law (FICHL)
Government of Switzerland, ABC of International Humanitarian Law, 2003
IASC, Civil-Military Relationship in Complex Emergencies: An IASC Reference Paper, 2004
ICRC (F. Krill), The Protection of Women in International Humanitarian Law, 1985
ICRC, Child Soldiers, 2003
ICRC, Children in War Information Kit, 2003
ICRC, Fact Sheet: Implementing International Humanitarian Law: From Law to Action, 2002
ICRC, Fact Sheet: International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law: Similarities and Differences, 2003
ICRC, Fact Sheet: Legal Protection of Children in Armed Conflict, 2003
ICRC, Fact Sheet: Penal Repression: Punishing War Crimes, 2003
ICRC, Fact Sheet: What Is International Humanitarian Law?, 2004
ICRC, Information Kit: National Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law, 2003
ICRC, Inter-agency Guiding Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children, 2004
ICRC, International Humanitarian Law: Answers to Your Questions, 2002
ICRC, Occupation and International Humanitarian Law: Questions and Answers, 2004
ICRC, Summary Table of IHL Provisions Specifically Applicable to Children, 2003
ICRC, The ICRC and Civil-Military Relations in Armed Conflict, 2001
ICRC, Women and War Fact Sheets, 2001
Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society, The Power of the Media: Handbook for Peacebuilders, 2003
InterAction and Commission for the Advancement of Women, Weaving Gender in Disaster and Refugee Assistance: Field Checklists, 1998
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Background paper: Mainstreaming gender in the humanitarian response to emergencies
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Frequently Asked Questions on International Humanitarian, Human Rights and Refugee Law in the Context of Armed Conflict, 2002
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Growing the Sheltering Tree: Protecting Rights Through Humanitarian Action, 2002
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Guidelines for Field Staff for Promoting Reintegration in Transition Situations, 2000
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Policy Statement for the integration of a gender perspective in humanitarian assistance, 1999
International Alert, Code of Conduct for Conflict Transformation Work, 1998
International Alert, Conflict, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: Meeting the Challenges, 2003
International Alert, Gender and Conflict Early Warning: A Framework for Action, 2002
International Alert, Gender Justice and Accountability in Peace Support Operations, 2004
International Alert, Gender Mainstreaming in Peace Support Operations: Moving Beyond Rhetoric To Practice, 2002
International Alert, Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation, 1996
International Alert, The Peacebuilding Dimension of Civil-Military Relations in Complex Emergencies, 2002
International Bureau for Children’s Rights (R. Harvey), Children and Armed Conflict: A guide to international humanitarian and human rights law, 2003
International Council on Human Rights Policy, Ends and Means: Human Rights Approaches to Armed Groups, 2000
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Code of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, 1994
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Reconciliation after Violent Conflict: A Handbook, 2003
International Peace Research Association/UNESCO, Handbook Resource and Teaching Material in Conflict Resolution, Education for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy, 1994
Joint Statement of the Prosecutors of the International Criminal Court
International Criminal Court
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
L. Lutz/E. Babbitt/H. Hannum, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution from the Practitioners’ Perspective, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 2003
Norwegian Refugee Council, Protection of Children and Adolescents in Complex Emergencies, 1999
OCHA, Aide Mémoire for the Consideration of Issues Pertaining to the Protection of Civilians, 2004
OCHA, An Easy Reference to International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, 1999
OCHA, Glossary of Humanitarian Terms in Relation to the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, 2003
OHCHR, Fact Sheet No. 13: International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
OHCHR, Fact Sheet No. 28: The Impact of Mercenary Activities on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination
Pan American Health Organization (C. Bryce), Stress Management in Disasters, 2001
Project on International Courts and Tribunals (PICT) Latest News
Public International Law & Policy Group, The Drafter’s Handbook, 2004
Rome Statute of the International Court - Division of Common Services
Rule of Law in Armed Conflict--50 Country profiles
Save the Children Fund, Children Not Soldiers: Guidelines for Working with Child Soldiers and Children Associated with Fighting Forces, 2001
Save the Children, Education: Care & Protection of Children in Emergencies: A Field Guide, 2001
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Working Paper Series: John B. Quigley
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Working Paper Series: Mary Ellen O'Connell
The Project on International Courts and Tribunals
The Sphere Project, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, 2001
UN Department of Public Information/DPKO, Provisional Guidelines for Public Information Components in United Nations Peacekeeping and other Field Missions
UN Development Fund for Women, Women at the Peace Table: Making a Difference, 2001
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, An Overview of Disaster Management, 1992
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Contingency Planning: A Practical Guide for Field Staff, October 1996
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Disaster Assessment, 1994
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Disaster Economics, 1994
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Disaster Management Ethics, 1997
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Emergency Information Management and Telecommunications, 1997
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, Humanitarian Principles and Operational Dilemmas in War Zones
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, International Law of Disasters and Armed Conflict
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, The News Media and Humanitarian Action, 1997
UN Disaster Management Training Programme, The Role and Responsibilities of the UN Disaster Management Team, 2002
UN Disaster Management Training Programme/Transcend (J. Galtung), Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means: The Transcend Method, 2000
UN DPKO, A Peacekeeping Training Manual
UN DPKO, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in a Peacekeeping Environment - Principles and Guidelines, 1999
UN DPKO, Gender & Peacekeeping Operations - Generic Training, 2002
UN DPKO, Gender and Peacekeeping Operations In-Mission Training, 2001
UN DPKO, Gender Resource Package for Peacekeeping Operations, 2004
UN DPKO, General Guidelines for Peacekeeping Operations, 1995
UN DPKO, Handbook on UN Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations, 2003
UN DPKO, Hostage Incident Card
UN DPKO, Lessons Learned Unit, Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Multidimensional Peace Operations, 2000
UN DPKO, Medical Support Manual for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, 1999
UN DPKO, Program on Peace-Building and Rule of Law, 2003
UN DPKO, Ten Rules: Code of Personal Conduct for Blue Helmets
UN DPKO, UN Peacekeeping Handbook for Junior Ranks, 1997
UN DPKO, UN Peacekeeping Training Assistance Teams: Advisor’s Guidebook, 1996
UN DPKO, United Nations Military Symbols Handbook, 2000
UN DPKO, United Nations Stress Management Booklet, 1995
UN DPKO, We Are United Nations Peacekeepers
UN Interdepartmental Framework for Coordination Team, Applying Preventive Measures: A Manual for UN Practitioners In Situations of Potential Conflict, October 2002
UN Security Coordination Office/UNHCR, Security Awareness: An Aide-Mémoire, 1995
UNAIDS/DPKO, Protect yourself, and those you care about, against HIV/AIDS, 1998
UNCHR, Working With the Military, 1995
UNDP, Gender Mainstreaming Learning Manual & Information Pack
UNHCR, Managing the Stress of Humanitarian Emergencies, 2001
UNHCR/Help Age International, Older People in Disasters and Humanitarian Crises: Guidelines for Best Practice, 2000
UNICEF, Adolescent Programming in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations, 2004
UNICEF, Adult Wars, Child Soldiers, 2002
UNICEF, Core Commitments for Children in Emergencies, 2004
UNICEF, Humanitarian Principles Training: A Child Rights Protection Approach to Complex Emergencies, 1999
UNICEF, Mainstreaming Gender in Unstable Environment
UNICEF/Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, Guide to the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, 2003
US Institute of Peace, Training for Peace and Humanitarian Relief Operations: Advancing Best Practices, 2002
USAID, Helping Children Outgrow War, 2002
Windhoek Declaration: The Namibia Plan of Action On ‘Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective In Multidimensional Peace Support Operations’, 31 May 2000


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