Nota del Presidente de 16 de marzo de 1993 dirigida al experto Christopher Healy en la que solicita el envío de información adicional.




FAX No. (506) 34-0584

TO/A : Christopher Healy

ATTN.: Ms. Merina Eduards

FROM/DE : Judge Héctor Fix-Zamudio, President

DATE/FECHA : 16 March 1993


Dear Ms. Eduards:

We acknowledge receipt of your report dated 12 March, 1993, which has been very useful to the Court during this period of sessions.

The Court would like to know the consequences related to the right of inheritance, according to Saramakan customs of divorce. Your information will allow the Tribunal to consider whether the wives are entitled to indemnization for the death of their former husbands. According to your information none of the divorced women appear to have remarried. Please confirm that.

Please let us know how many hours you have spent in the preparation of the report already sent in order to reimburse your honoraria as soon as possible. Also tell us if you need additional money to cover any expenses generated by future activities being presently requested by the Court.

The Court is also eager to reimburse Mr. Healy any expenses incurred in, up to this moment, related to the information gathered for the Tribunal and its transmittal.

Sincerely yours,




FAX No. (506) 34-0584

TO/A : Christopher Healy

ATTN.: Ms. Merina Eduards

FROM/DE : Judge Héctor Fix-Zamudio, President

DATE/FECHA : 16 March 1993


Dear Ms. Eduards:

After the Court's session, we would like to consult you on several matters:

- Tjongalangapassi and the Tjongalanga zone are mentioned in the Court's judgment on Preliminary Objections, Aloeboetoe et al. case (December 4, 1991). We do not know if the word ¬passi¬means zone or should it always be Tjongalangapassi? Please clarify this issue.

- You mentioned in your Economic Report the value of the US dollar in the black market. We would like to know whether that market is legal or if there is a legal parallel market. Also, we would like to know if the Government would be able to pay the compensations in US dollars and if so, whether the beneficiaries are entitled to change the US$ into Sf in the black market without problems. And if the private banks or financial institutions are authorized to pay the beneficiaries in US dollars or in Sf at the legal parallel market rate.

- Would it be feasible to entrust a private financial institution or bank the management of a trust fund for the children of the victims? If so, please provide the names of some institutions or banks which have offices in Paramaribo.

- Please provide us with the figures of the Gross National Product of Suriname, the G.N.I. per capita, the official minimum salary in Suriname, balance of trade (export and imports) of the country and other relevant economic figures in order to update the information on the economic situation of Suriname.

- At what age does a person become of age in Suriname?

- At what age do generally Saramakan men and women get married?

- What would be the economic status or situation of a Surinamese who acquires US$50,000 and of one who acquires US$20,000? You are aware that we are thinking in the possible amount of the indemnities to be awarded to the dependents of the victims in the instant case. It is important for the Court to know what these mean for a person in Paramaribo and also in the interior of your country.

We are still awaiting your information regarding the honoraries that the Court owes you. We consider your contract in force and valid even though it has not been formally extended.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,


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