University of Minnesota

Note of September 28, 1999, from the Court to the Secretary General of the OAS, on the intended withdrawal from the contentious jurisdiction of the Court with immediate effect by Peru, reprinted in 1998 Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights [763], OEA/Ser.L/V/III.47, doc. 6 (2000).





September 28, 1999

Mr. Secretary General:

In our capacity as judges of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, we have the honor of addressing you to express our concern about the attitude of the Peruvian State in returning the judgements in the Ivcher Bronstein and Constitutional Tribunal cases delivered by the Court on September 24, 1999.  These judgements were notified to the Peruvian State on September 27 and returned on the same day.

The step taken by Peru sets a serious precedent that directly affects the protection system established by the American Convention on Human Rights.  Since this Court is entrusted with the defense of the totality of the system, we respectfully request that, as the depositary of the Convention, you take the measures that you consider appropriate in view of the conduct of the Peruvian State.

We would be grateful if you would transmit this note to the Permanent Council.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of our highest consideration.

His Excellency

César Gaviria T.,

Secretary General

Organization of American States

Washington, D.C.



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