University of Minnesota

Decisions on Procedures of the Human Rights Committee, U.N. Doc. A/54/40, paras. 39-40 (1999).



Recent decisions on procedures : . 21/10/99.
A/54/40,paras.39-40. (Decision)

Convention Abbreviation: CCPR
Recent decisions on procedures

39. At its sixty-fifth session, the Committee reviewed its practice of establishing the lists of questions for the examination of States parties reports during the pre-sessional working group and formally adopting the lists only on the first day of the plenary. It was noted that under this procedure States parties only had a few days to familiarize themselves with the questions and to obtain relevant information from all the competent authorities so as to be able to address the Committee's concerns. It was therefore decided that henceforth, insofar as possible, lists of issues would be adopted at the session prior to the examination of a report, thereby allowing a period of at least two months for States parties to prepare for the discussion with the Committee. Central to the examination of States parties reports is the oral hearing, where the delegations of States parties have the opportunity to answer specific questions from the members of the Committee. Thus, States parties are encouraged to use the list of questions to better prepare for a constructive discussion, but are not expected to submit written answers to the list of issues.

40. At the sixty-sixth session, the Committee adopted new consolidated guidelines on States parties reports, which replace all prior guidelines and aim to facilitate the preparation of initial and periodic reports by States parties. These guidelines provide for comprehensive initial reports written on an article-by-article basis, and targeted periodic reports geared primarily to the Committee's concluding observations and following, to the extent necessary, the article-by-article approach. In their periodic reports States parties need not report on every article, but only on those articles identified by the Committee in its concluding observations and those articles concerning which there have been important developments since the submission of the previous report. A document on procedures for the consideration of initial and periodic reports, adopted on 9 April 1998, is reproduced as Annex VIII to the last annual report. Ibid., Fifty­third Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/53/40), vol. I. This document, and the Committee's other decisions concerning guidelines for the submission of reports (summarized in the report to the General Assembly at its fifty­second session Ibid., Fifty­second Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/52/40), paras. 46­47.) are now superseded


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