METHOD 27: Webbing Activities

Drawing charts that indicate relationships can help participants to analyze situations.

1. Webbing: Begin by writing a word, phrase or question in the center of a paper or chalkboard (e.g., "Homophobia"). Circle the word and ask participants to brainstorm adjectives, thoughts, or memories evoked by what is written in the circle. (e.g., "Insults," "Discrimination," "Gay bashing," "Fear of AIDS"). Write these down and connect each suggestion by a line to the central circle. If participants relate to responses generated by the circled word, write those and connect with a line to the response, gradually creating an expanding web (e.g., "Dyke" or "Faggot" connected to "Insults").

2. Effects Wheel: Write a question or statement in the center of a circle (e.g., "What if women earned salaries equal to men?" or "In the USA one child in four lives below the poverty level."). Then draw three concentric rings around the central circle. Divide the first ring into three equal parts and write three effects that would result from the statement (e.g., "Greater decision making," "Greater role in business world," "More involvement in investment"). Divide the second ring into six equal parts and write in two effects that would result from each of the three statements (e.g., "Greater decision making," "Greater role in supporting women's concerns," and "More independence"). Small groups might work on the same statement and compare their results. You might prepare a list of relevant questions or statements and let each group choose one to work on.

Examples of Method:

ABC: "Effects Webs."†[]

First Steps: "Conflict Webs," "Wheel Rights."†[]