Sometimes participants need a safe place to learn, removed from the outside world. At other times learning is enhanced by exposure to new people and places, often unrecognized in their own communities. Visits might be to places where human rights issues develop (e.g., prisons, hospitals, international borders, urban centers) or where people work to stop abuses or relieve victims (non-profit organizations, government offices, homeless or battered women's shelters, food or clothing banks). Prepare participants for any visit (e.g., create preliminary questions and research projects, give background information, specific assignments for observation) and provide appropriate ways to respond to the experience (e.g., journaling, creative expression, small-group discussions) and take action.

Examples of Method:

The Human Rights Education Handbook: "Model 3: Three-day WorkshopóResource Scavenger Hunt," p. 121; "Model 5: Five-day

WorkshopóHuman Rights Scavenger Hunt," p. 126; "Model 6: Seven-day WorkshopóCommunity Scavenger Hunt," p. 130.

ABC: "Councils and Courts."†[]