Appendix 1, Part 3:
Human Rights Education Resources List

Part III: Activities –
Introducing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

I. Background Resources and Materials

Nickel, James. Making Sense of Human Rights. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1987.

    Philosophical reflections on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The text defines and defends the contemporary understanding of human rights.

Rocha, R. and O. Roth. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: An Adaptation for Children. New York: United Nations Publications, 1987.

    The original text of this basic human rights document is adapted into simpler language and accompanied by beautiful illustrations.

II. Curriculum

Amnesty International Human Rights for Children Committee. Human Rights for Children: A Curriculum for Teaching Human Rights to Children Aged 3-12. Alameda, CA: Hunter House, Inc., 1992. Hunter House, Inc., Box 2914, Alameda. CA, 94501-0914. Telephone 510-865-5282.

    Written by a group of Amnesty International educators, this resource book for teachers is structured around ten fundamental principles derived from the 1959 UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child. Each principle is presented with a teaching strategy that interprets it for classroom use and a series of activities that give life and meaning to the strategy. These creative activities include a variety of subject areas and are divided into three different developmental levels: the pre-school child, the lower primary child, and the upper primary child. Following each section is a useful annotated bibliography of additional resources.

III. Media Resources

Amnesty International. Amnesty Interactive CD-ROM: A History and Atlas of Human Rights. New York: AIUSA Publications, 1994. AIUSA Publications, 322 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

    AIUSA uses multimedia technology to create a rich educational program about people, ideas, and events that have shaped the history of human rights. The CD-ROM includes curriculum support materials for teachers, reference materials for students, and a "What you can do" section containing tools for individual action. Also available in French and Spanish.

Amnesty International USA. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Animated Video. New York: AIUSA Publications, 1988. AIUSA Publications, 322 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

    A wonderful video that uses simplified language and animation to highlight the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A basic human rights educational tool on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for any age group.

IV. Web Sites

Amnesty International (

Human Rights Resource Center(

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute (

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (

United Nations Association of Canada (

University of Minnesota- Human Rights Center (

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  Human Rights Fundamentals The Right to Know Your Rights Activities Taking Action for Human Rights Appendices