Appendix 1, Part 1:
Human Rights Education Resources List

We cannot expect the international community or institutions to solve our problems, until we clean up our own backyard. But the basic question remains in the meantime: What is the Declaration going to give to the ordinary people whose basic human rights are constantly violated in every possible way?

-Aleksanda Visacki
Office worker
Belgrade, Serbia

Part I: Human Rights Fundamentals

I. Background Resources and Materials

Felice, William F. Taking Suffering Seriously: The Importance of Collective Human Rights, SUNY Series in Global Conflict and Peace Education. New York: State University of New York, 1996.

    This is a serious and well-written examination of the evolution and development of human rights concepts in international relations. Felice discusses the tensions that exist between individual and collective human rights in regards to race, gender, sexuality, and self-determination. Felice argues for a method to ensure human rights in an international arena which relies on an agreement on particular international documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that exemplify international human rights.

Newman, Frank and David Weissbrodt. International Human Rights: Law, Policy, and Process, 2nd ed. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co.,1996.

    This book provides an in-depth introduction to the history of international human rights law, policy, and process. The book presents case studies for discussion and role play activities in the classroom.

Rethinking Schools. Rethinking our Classrooms: Teaching for Equity and Justice. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools, Ltd., 1994.

    A collection of articles describing examples of successful classroom practices in teaching social justice issues. It includes a collection of teaching ideas and thoughtful essays on "Rethinking our Assumptions" as well as a resource section of curricula, books, videos, and journals.

United Nations Association of the United States of America. Basic Facts About the United Nations. New York: United Nations Publications, 1992.

    This book contains a general introduction to the role and function of the United Nations and related agencies, highlighting and outlining main objectives and achievements. The text includes the charter and statutes of the International Code of Justice.

Whalen, Lucille. Human Rights: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc., 1990.

    The ideal resource for any course on human rights, this handbook offers a history of human rights in the twentieth century, biographical sketches of human rights heroes, and an annotated listing of human rights organizations, books, periodicals, and films, as well as electronic information sources such as computer networks and databases. The final section includes the most significant international human rights declarations and conventions (excluding the Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Women’s Convention, which were ratified by the U.N. after the handbook’s publication date).

II. Curriculum

Brown, Margot. Our World, Our Rights: Teaching about Rights and Responsibilities in the Primary School. Amnesty International, UK 1996.

    This curriculum offers innovative strategies and activities for teaching about the UDHR in upper elementary school. Although written for British schools, all of the activities are easily adapted to a US context. Activities address human rights in the family, the classroom, the school, and the wider community. Handsome illustrations and useful support information.

Elliot, RoAnne. WE: Lessons on Equal Worth and Dignity. Minneapolis, MN: The United Nations Association of Minnesota, 1992.

    This middle school curriculum offers the United Nation’s work as a model for students to create a more tolerant world. The lessons contained in this curriculum provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge of international relations, highlight student awareness of intolerant behavior, and help students to develop tolerance skills.

Gonzalez, Susan. WE: Lessons on Equal Worth and Dignity. Minneapolis, MN: The United Nations Association of Minnesota, 1997.

    This elementary school curriculum offers opportunity for students to discuss the issues related to race, ethnicity, and religion in a sensitive and caring manner. It features the United Nations work to create a more tolerant world.

NuÒez, LucÌa. An Agenda for Peace: The Role of the United Nations. Stanford, CA: Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education, 1995. SPICE, Littlefield Center, Room 14C, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5013. Telephone 800-578-1114.

    A curriculum guide for secondary to adult students. Includes several learner-centered activities to introduce students to the history, programs, and activities of the United Nations. Uses engaging primary resources. Students analyze the impact of UN peacemaking missions, hold a model earth summit, and re-enact the UN Charter Conference in San Francisco. Also includes audio tape.

Simon, Ken. WE: Lessons on Equal Worth and Dignity, The United Nations and Human Rights. Minneapolis, MN: The United Nations Association of Minnesota, 1992.

    Special features of this high-school curriculum include activities on ethnocentric thought and behavior, racism and the First Amendment, the power of language, symbol and music, a study of the Peace School in the Middle East, and on ongoing diary assignment reflecting one’s own development of "tolerance".

United Nations. ABC, Teaching Human Rights: Practical Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools. New York: United Nations, 1989.

    For the teacher just beginning to teach human rights, this booklet provides the ideal starting point. Available in English, French, and Spanish, its activities and teaching strategies are intended to be effective in any cultural setting and to cover the spectrum of rights included in the International Bill of Rights. It offers a rationale for teaching human rights and recommends methodologies that model fundamental concepts such as inclusiveness, equality, and tolerance of differences.

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  Human Rights Fundamentals The Right to Know Your Rights Activities Taking Action for Human Rights Appendices