University of Minnesota

Conclusions and recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination, Mauritius, U.N. Doc. A/49/18, paras. 268-274 (1994).






Concluding observations of the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination


268. At its 1028th meeting, on 10 March 1994 (see CERD/C/SR.1028), the Committee reviewed the implementation of the Convention by Mauritius based on its previous report (CERD/C/131/Add.8) and the consideration thereof by the Committee (see CERD/C/SR.782 and 792). The Committee noted that no new report had been received since 1984.

269. It was noted that, according to a 1990 estimate, the population of Mauritius was 1.12 million and was ethnically very complex. The majority of the inhabitants were Hindu, descended from the indentured field labourers transported from India after the emancipation of African, Malagasy and Creole slaves. The former bondsmen had gravitated towards towns and coastal villages, where 250,000 Creoles now lived. Muslims from South Asia numbered 150,000 and were mainly artisans and tradesmen. There was a Chinese middle class with fewer than 30,000 members and a European (Franco-Mauritian) plutocracy of 10,000.

270. Members of the Committee noted that the State party had not provided the additional information requested by the Committee at the examination of its previous report. At that time, the Committee had wished to know what measures had been taken to apply article 4 of the Convention; how unemployment had affected the standard of living of the various ethnic groups; what legal remedies were available to victims of racial discrimination; and whether access to primary, secondary and higher education was enjoyed equally by the various ethnic groups.

Concluding observations

271. At its 1037th meeting, on 15 March 1994, the Committee adopted the following concluding observations.

272. Regret is expressed that Mauritius has not submitted a report since 1984 and that it has not responded to the Committee's invitation to take part in its deliberations at the current session. It recalls that, in accordance with article 9 of the Convention, Mauritius is under the obligation to submit periodic reports on the measures that it has adopted with a view to giving effect to the provisions of the Convention. The State is therefore requested to comply fully with its reporting obligations under the Convention and to submit its periodic report without further delay. In this connection, the attention of the Government of Mauritius is drawn to the possibility, in case of difficulties encountered in the preparation of its report, of requesting technical assistance from the United Nations under the advisory services and technical assistance programme of the Centre for Human Rights.

273. It is noted that there have been no reports of human rights violations with a racial background in Mauritius and that the overall situation in the country does not provide grounds for serious concern. However, it is expected that the next report of the State party will contain more precise information concerning the ethnic composition of the population, measures taken to give effect to article 4 of the Convention and the availability of legal remedies for persons who believe themselves to be victims of violations of their rights as covered by the Convention. Information is also desired on how the educational system promotes tolerance among the racial and ethnic groups.

274. The Committee draws the attention of the State party to the amendment to article 8, paragraph 6, of the Convention, which was approved by the fifteenth meeting of States parties and by the General Assembly in its resolution 47/111, and encourages the State party to expedite its action formally to accept that amendment.




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