University of Minnesota

Conclusions and recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination, Central African Republic, U.N. Doc. A/48/18, paras. 147-151 (1993).



Forty-second session


Concluding observations of the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Central African Republic

147. At its 972nd and 983rd meetings, held on 11 and 18 March 1993 (see CERD/C/SR.972 and 983), the Committee reviewed the implementation of the Convention by the Central African Republic, based on its previous report (CERD/C/117/Add.5) and its consideration by the Committee (see CERD/C/SR.751-752). The Committee noted that no report had been received since 1984.

148. Members of the Committee noted that approximately 80 ethnic groups made up the population of the Central African Republic, but it primarily comprised the Baya, Banda, Babinga, Baka and Zanda groups. However, members of the Yakoma group dominated the administration even though they accounted for less than 5 per cent of the population. In particular, the forest-dwelling Bayaka, or Pygmies, were often victims of discrimination and exploitation. The Government had done little to correct that situation.

149. The revised Constitution should ensure respect for human rights and the principle of equality before the law. More information was needed as to how legislation implemented the provisions of the Convention. Additional information was also required as to the social and economic situation of the various ethnic groups. Members of the Committee wished to know whether there were any integrationist or multiracial organizations; whether there were any human rights organizations actively combating racism and racial discrimination; what measures had been taken to criminalize racial discrimination and provide appropriate punishment under the law; what measures had been taken to protect refugees in the country; and what mechanisms existed to ensure the right to recourse under article 6 of the Convention. Members also wished to have information on recent developments concerning the evolution toward pluralist democracy, including the scheduling of elections and the modification of the Constitution.

Concluding observations

150. In concluding the review, the Committee expressed its regret that the Central African Republic had not submitted a report since 1984 and had not responded to its invitation to participate in the meeting and to furnish the relevant information. The Committee wished to draw the attention of the State party to the possibility of requesting technical assistance from the United Nations Centre for Human Rights in the preparation of its report.

151. The Committee hoped to receive a new report shortly together with a core document in accordance with the guidelines contained in document HRI/1991/1. That was particularly important in view of the changes which had taken place in the Central African Republic since 1984.



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