University of Minnesota

Procedural Decisions of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Yugoslavia, U.N. Doc. A/51/18, para. 30(2) (1996).



Decision 2 (48) on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) : Yugoslavia. 13/03/96.
A/51/18,para.30(2). (Decision)

Convention Abbreviation: CERD
A. Decisions adopted by the Committee at its forty-eighth session

30. The following decisions were adopted by the Committee under this agenda item at its forty-eighth session.

Decision 2 (48) on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination recalls its concluding observations relating to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) adopted on 20 August 1993 4/ and in particular its offer to render good offices in the form of a mission of some of its members with the purpose of helping to promote a dialogue for the peaceful solution of issues concerning respect for human rights in Kosovo, in particular the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, and whenever possible of helping parties concerned to arrive at such a solution. 5/

The Committee also recalls that the State Party concerned responded positively to this offer, that the good offices mission was consequently carried out from 30 November to 3 December 1993 and that the mission met with authorities of the State Party and the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian authorities in Kosovo and representatives of the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

The Committee further recalls that at its forty-fourth session it considered, in private meetings, the interim report of the good offices mission and that as a result its Chairman addressed a letter to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) expressing the Committee's appreciation to the Government for the cooperation received and proposing, inter alia, that a number of specific steps be taken with a view to normalizing the situation in Kosovo.

The Committee now considers that the time has come to resume the good offices work which the Committee started to undertake in 1993. For that purpose the Committee requests its Chairman to take up contact with the authorities of the State Party concerned in order to explore the possibilities of reopening the dialogue for the peaceful solution of issues concerning respect for human rights in Kosovo, with particular emphasis on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination.

The Committee will further consider this matter at its forty-ninth session.

1153rd meeting
13 March 1996


4/ Ibid., Supplement No. 18 (A/48/18), paras. 530-547.

5/ Ibid., para. 546.


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