University of Minnesota

Human rights and the environment

Commission on Human Rights decision 1997/102

At its 36th meeting, on 3 April 1997, the Commission on Human Rights, taking note of the reports of the Secretary-General submitted in accordance with its resolutions 1995/14 of 24 February 1995 and 1996/13 of 11 April 1996 on the question of human rights and the environment (E/CN.4/1996/23 and Add.1 and E/CN.4/1997/18), and bearing in mind the plans for consideration of Agenda 21 by the General Assembly, decided, without a vote, to invite the Secretary-General to bring those reports and the Commission's own consideration of this question to the attention of the General Assembly at its special session on Agenda 21, the Commission on Sustainable Development, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme and other relevant international bodies and organizations, and to request the Secretary-General to prepare a consolidated report based on the deliberations of the General Assembly and of those international bodies and organizations for consideration of the question of human rights and the environment by the Commission on Human Rights at its fifty-fifth session.

[See chap. V.]

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