Comprehensive List of U of M Human Rights Courses (not updated)


Syl. Course Name Prof Office phone Rts Cat %HR Core
ADULT EDUCATION -- Dept of Work, Community and Family Education -- College of Education & Human Development -- 425 VoTech, StP, 612-624-3004; AdEd and HRD coordinator is Gary Mclean,
X AdEd 5001 Survey: Human Resource Development and Adult Education Shari L. Peterson peter007 612-324-4980 -- T/IB (-)
X AdEd 5001 Survey: Human Resource Development and Adult Education Kenneth R. Bartlett bartlett 612-625-5008 -- T/IB (-)
X AdEd 5201 Introduction to the Undereducated Adult Rosemarie J. Park parkx002 612-625-6267 ESC CS (+)
X AdEd 5303 Working with Volunteers in Community Settings Jules Beck beck0391 651-624-3297 all T (-)
AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES -- Department of Afro-American Studies -- CLA -- 808 SocSci, WB, 612-624-9847
Afro 5072 Racism:  Social and Psychological Consequences for Black Americans, w/ Afro 3072 Pearl Barner barne004 612-624-1444
Afro 5191 Seminar:  The African American Experience in South Africe; S'01 Keletso E. Atkins atkin013 612-624-9847
n/a Afro 5741 Minorities and the Mass Media ---
Afro 5864 Proseminar:  African-American History (civil rts) Winston C. McDowell mcdow007 612-624-5202
Afro 8202 Seminar:  Intellectual History of Race Rose Brewer brewe001 612-624-9305 B
Afro 8554 Seminar:  Gender, Race, Nation, and Policy -- Perspectives from Within the African Diaspora Rose Brewer brewe001 612-624-9305 B

AGRICULTURAL, FOOD & ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION -- Dept of Work, Community and Family Education -- College of Education & Human Development -- 612-624-3004; 612-624-1221 student info office; Roland Peterson, head of AFEE

n/a AFEE 5341 Global Program Delivery Techniques and Technology of Extension, w/ WCFE 5341 Jim Warner warne024 612-926-4518
AFEE 5361 World Development Problems; S'01; syllabus under revision John R. Vreyens vreyens 612-624-6780 M
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY -- Dept of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering -- College of Agricultural, Food & Environmental Sciences -- 325 VoTech, StP, 612-624-2221
AgET 5212 Safety and Health Issues in Agricultural Work Environments; S'01 John M. Shutske shutske 612-626-1250

AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES -- Dept of American Indian Studies -- CLA -- 102 Scott Hall, EB, 612-624-1338

AmIn 3___ Intro Dale Amos Weston westo005 612-625-2645
AmIn 4515 Contemporary American Indian Movements; S'01 Dale Amos Weston westo005 612-625-2645
X AmIn 5890 Problems in American Indian History, w/ HIST 5890; F'00, reading list will change Jean Maria O'Brien-Kehoe obrie002 612-624-5794 CL CS (+)

ANTHROPOLOGY -- Dept of Anthropology -- CLA -- 395 HHH, WB, 612-625-3400; contact Prof. Lipset?

Anth 8120 Problems in Culture Change and Applied Anthropology Ajay Skaria? skari002

APPLIED ECONOMICS -- Dept of Applied Economics -- College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences -- 231 ClassroomOfcBldg, StP, 612-625-1222; 625-5783 dir., 625-2758 grad secretary

ApEc 4103 World Food Problems; contact late August Benjamin H. Senauer senau001 612-625-5724
ApEc 5581 Human Capital and Household Economics

CHICANO STUDIES -- Dept of Chicano Studies -- CLA -- 107 Scott Hall, EB, 612-624-6309

X Chic 4401 Chicana/Latina Cultural Studies; w/ WoSt 4401 Eden Torres torre007 612-625-5035 ESC CS (-)
Chic 5310 Chicanas/os and the Law
X Chic 5403 Chicana/Latina Feminisms, w/ WoSt 5403 Eden Torres torre007 612-625-5035 CL  CS (+)
n/a Chic 5505 Indigenous Women and Land Issues; prof left, not yet replaced ---
Chic 5601 Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Labor; S'01
Chic 5921 Chicano Studies Topics:  Women and the Law

CHINESE -- Institute of Linguistics and Asian and Slavic Languages and Literature -- CLA -- 192 Klaeber Court, EB 612-624-3331

Chin 8430 Seminar in 20th-Century Chinese Literature

CULTURAL STUDIES AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE -- CLA -- 350 Folwell, EB 612-624-6309; note to dept chair?

CSCL 3472 Gay Men and Homophobia in American Culture; F'00; will send syllabus when ready Scott Alan Sherer shere002 612-624-8099
CSCL 3979 Issues in Cultural Pluralism

DESIGN, HOUSING AND APPAREL -- Dept of Design, Housing, and Apparel -- College of Human Ecology -- 240 McNeal Hall, StP, 612-624-9700

DHA 2463 Housing and Community Jeff Crump jcrump 612-624-2281
DHA 4465 Housing in Global Perspective (housing as a right) Jeff Crump jcrump 612-624-2281
X DHA 5463 Housing Policy, w/ PA 5261; S'01 [syllabus from PA website] Edward G. Goetz egoetz 612-624-5003 ESC CS (-) M
DHA 5484 Rural Housing Issues
DHA 8463 Housing and Community Dynamics; F'00 Jeffrey R. Crump jrcrump 612-624-2281

DEVELOPMENT STUDIES AND SOCIAL CHANGE -- Graduate School -- CLA -- 612-624-0832 MacArthur Program

n/a DSSC 8111 Approaches to Knowledge and Truth:  Ways of Knowing in Development Studies and Social Change [restricted enrollment] Raymond Duvall rduvall 612-624-8576
X DSSC 8111 Approaches to Knowledge and Truth:  Ways of Knowing in Development Studies and Social Change; S'01; syllabus at: [restricted enrollment] George Spangler grs
612-624-9229 ? IB
DSSC 8111 Approaches to Knowledge and Truth:  Ways of Knowing in Development Studies and Social Change; S'01 [restricted enrollment] Allen Issacman isaac001 612-624-4320
DSSC 8310 Topics in Development Studies and Social Change:  F'00 [title?] Allen Issacman isaac001 612-624-4320
n/a? DSSC 8310 Topics:  New Dimensions of International Security; F'00 Kathryn Sikkink ksikkink 612-624-7513
X DSSC 8310 Topics: Gender and Citizenship, w/ Pol 8260; F'00; have outline; syllabus to be developed Lisa Disch
Karen B. Thompson
6-7825 ldisch CL IB ?
DSSC____ Topics:  Global Citizenship and International Ethics Richard Price price015 612-625-3325 B

EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT -- College of Education and Human Development -- 612-624-3004; 612-624-1221 student info office

EdHD 5005 School and Society; F'00 Timothy M. Matheney mathe036 612-624-8527
n/a EdHD 5009 Human Relations:  Applied Skills for School and Society; F'00 Judith Puncochar puncocha 612-626-7443

EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION -- Dept of Educational Policy and Admin -- College of Education and Human Development -- 330 Wulling, EB, 612-624-1006

EdPA 5036 Ethics, Morality and Values in Education; S'01 Richard D. Nunneley nunne001 612-626-9647
EdPA 5101 International Education and Development; F'00; back late August R. Michael Paige r-paig 612-626-7456
EdPA 5132 Intercultural Education and Training:  Theory and Application; S'01; back late August R. Michael Paige r-paig 612-626-7456
EdPA 5381 The Search for Children and Youth Policy in the United States (incl S. Africa); S'01 Byron J. Schneider schne003 612-624-2590

EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY -- Dept of Educational Psychology -- College of Education and Human Development -- 204 Burton, EB, 612-624-6083

X EPsy 5135 Human Relations Workshop (compare to WoSt 5103); prof would enlarge HR content Judith Puncochar puncocha 612-626-7443 ESC T (+) M
EPsy 8131 Development of Moral-Political Judgment; F'00 Darcia Narvaez narvaez 612-626-7306
n/a EPsy 8403 Social/Cultural Contexts:  Counseling and Skills (strict prereqs); S'01 Michael Pik-Bien Goh gohxx001 612-624-6827

FAMILY PRACTICE AND COMMUNITY HEALTH -- Dept of Family Practice and Community Health -- Medical School -- 6-240 Phillips Wangensteen, EB, 612-624-2622; Barb Heyer 612-624-3120

FPCH 5251 Cross-Cultural Medicine and International Health; F'00 generally no courses open to non-med students B

FOREST RESOURCES -- Dept of Forest Resources -- College of Natural Resources -- 115 Green Hall, StP, 612-624-3400

X FR 5250 Role of Renewable Natural Resources in Developing Countries; w/ FR 3250; syllabus at: Dietmar Walter Rose 612-624-9711 ESC CS (-)

GENETICS, CELL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT -- Dept of Genetics and Cell Biology -- College of Biological Sciences

n/a GCD 8913 Psychosocial Issues in Genetic Counseling; F'00 Bonnie S. LeRoy leroy001 612-624-7193
X GCD 8914 Ethical and Legal Issues in Genetic Counseling Bartels & Bonnie LeRoy leroy001 612-624-7193 CL CS (+)

GEOGRAPHY -- Dept of Geography -- CLA -- 414 SocSci, WB, 612-625-6080

Geog 8007 Proseminar:  Theories of Development and Change
  Geog 8310 Seminar:  Social and Cultural Geography (racism, gender, nationalism) B
Geog 8980 Colonial/Post-Colonial Geography (indigenous peoples?) Bruce Braun braun038
Geog 8980 Work, Politics, Identity Vinay Gidwani gidwa002 612-625-1397
X Geog 8980 Gender, Space, and Resistance; w/ WoSt 8401 Richa Nagar nagar002 612-625-2028 all IB (+)

HISTORY -- Dept of History -- CLA -- 614 SocSci, WB, 612-624-2800

X Hist 3900 History of the Holocaust; w/ JwSt 3521 Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL CS (++) B
Hist 5295 Social History of Russia and Eastern Europe From the Late 19th Century to the Present (was taught by Prof. Rudolph (retired)) ? Tom Wolfe wolfe023 612-624-1886
X Hist 5436 Social History of African Women; w/ WoSt 5490 Jean Allman allma002 612-626-7597 all CS (-)
X Hist 5467 State and Revolution in Modern China Edward Farmer efarmer 612-624-7301 B
Hist 5468 Social Change in Modern China; S'01 Edward Farmer
Liping Wang
Hist 5735 European Women's History; 1750 to the Present Mary J. Maynes mayne001 612-624-9330
Hist 5882 American Foreign Relations Since 1895 (professor retired)
X Hist 5890 Problems in American Indian History, w/ AmIn 5890; reading list will change Jean Maria O'Brien-Kehoe obrie002 612-624-5794 CL CS (+)
Hist 5931 Topics in Comparative Third World History (content varies)

HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -- Dept of History of Science and Technology -- Institute of Technology -- 381 Physics, EB, 612-624-7069

HSci 5401 Ethics in Science and Technology, w/ HSci 3401; S'01 Karin Ellison ellis059

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT -- Dept of Work, Community, and Family Education -- College of Education and Human Development; AdEd and HRD coordinator is Gary Mclean,

X HRD 5001 see AdEd 5001
n/a HRD 5302 Team Building and Conflict Management Workshop John Conbere jconbere
HRD 5821 Diversity and Organizational Transformation in Education, Work and Community (modelling impact of diversity); w/ WCFE 5821; F'00

HUMAN RESOURCES AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS -- Industrial Relations Center -- Carlson School of Management -- 612-624-2500

X HRIR 8023 International Human Resource Management M. Zaidi mzaidi 612-625-0578 ESC CS (-) B
HRIR 8024 Comparative and International Labor Movements ? Try Lisa Jordan, M. Bognanno, J. Budd f_ini+l_name@

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS -- Institute of International Studies -- CLA -- 214 SocSci, WB, 612-624-9007

IntR 3552 Honors Seminar: The Making of the Modern World Sharilyn R. Geistfeld geist006 612-624-8543
X IntR 5900 Topics:  International Human Rights Workshop (developed for teachers, could rework into grad course) Laura Sayles lsayles 612-624-7346 CL T (++) B

JEWISH STUDIES -- Dept of Classical and Near Eastern Studies -- CLA

X JwSt 3521 History of the Holocaust, w/ Hist 3900 Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL CS (++) B
X JwSt 5111 Problems in Historiography and Representation of the Holocaust; w/ RS(?)+C36 511+C561 Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL CS (++) B
X JwSt 5900 Topics:  Workshop on the Holocaust and Contemporary Genocide; w/ CI(?) 5145 Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL CS (++) B

JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION -- School of Journalism & Mass Communication -- CLA -- 111 Murphy Hall, EB, 612-625-9824 Lisa Higgs

X Jour 8651 Seminar:  Mass Media and Social Change; F'00 Chin-Chuan "CC" Lee leexx010 612-625-6554 ESC IB (--)
X Jour 8681 Seminar:  International Mass Communication (incl role of journalism in world affairs) Chin-Chuan "CC" Lee leexx010 612-625-6554 ESC CS (--)
Jour 8681 Seminar: International Mass Communication ? William Babcock babco001 612-626-7752

KINESIOLOGY -- School of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies -- College of Education & Human Development -- 220 Cooke Hall, EB, 612-625-5300

Kin 5328 International and Comparative Sport and Physical Education:  The Olympic Games ? Jim Larson 612-625-4590
X Kin 5371 Sociology of Sport; prof willing to expand HR content March L. Krotee krote001 612-625-0538 ESC IB (-) M
Kin 8607 Seminar:  International and Comparative Physical Education and Sport (sociocultural impact of conduct of sport) March L. Krotee krote001 612-625-0538

LAW -- School of Law -- WB, 612-625-1000; "l/o" means restricted enrollment for law students only; course list at

X Law ____ Law and Practice in the Inter-American Human Rights System; TBA Sp '02 Jennifer Stohl
Colleen Beebe
CL CS (++) B
Law ____ Seminar:  Law and Literature Miranda McGowan mmcgowan 612-625-6552
l/o Law 6220 Poverty Law Larry McDonough
l/o Law 6233 Law and Violence Against Women Seminar Beverly Balos balos001 612-625-4301
Law 6236 American Indian Law David Wilkins, AmIn dept wilkinsd 612-624-1634
l/o Law 6241 First Amendment Adam Samaha samah002 612-625-1000
l/o Law 6241 First Amendment Dale Carpenter dalecarp
Law 6602 International Law Fred L. Morrison morri001 612-625-0321
X Law 6615 Jurisprudence Miranda McGowan mmcgowan 612-625-6552 CL IB (+)
Law 6621 Civil Rights (non-employment context) Arthur N. Eisenberg eisen004
Law 6632 Employment Law Stephen F. Befort befor001 612-625-7342
X Law 6636 International Human Rights Internship Barbara Frey freyx001 651-224-5079 CL all (++) B
X Law 6636 International Human Rights Law; l/o David Weissbrodt weiss001 612-625-5027 CL all (++) B
l/o Law 6801 Seminar:  Death Penalty John D. Bessler bessl003
l/o Law 6820 Seminar:  Constitutional Civil Rights Litigation Arthur N. Eisenberg eisen004
l/o Law 6827 Women's International Human Rights B
Law 6838 Seminar:  American Indian History Joan S. Howland howla001 612-625-9036
Law 6846 Seminar:  Philosophy of Law and Punishment Michael H. Tonry tonry001 612-625-1314
Law 6853 Law, Medicine, and Bioethics Susan E. Wolf wolfx009 612-625-3406
l/o Law 6859 Seminar:  Jurisprudence and Critical Legal Systems john a. powell powel008 612-625-5529
Law 6862 Seminar:  Sexual Orientation Dale Carpenter dalecarp
Law 6864 Lawyers and Ethics Maury S. Landsman lands001 612-625-6304
Law 6872 Immigration Law David Weissbrodt weiss001 612-625-5027

MANAGEMENT -- Dept of Strategic Management -- Carlson School of Management -- 3-353 Carson, WB, 612-624-5232

X MBA 6315E Ethical Environment of Business Ian Maitland imatilan 612-624-2091 ESC IB (-) B
Mgmt 8201 Foundations of Business, Government, and Society; syllabus not ready Ian Maitland imatilan 612-624-2091
Mgmt 8203 International Management/Business, Government and Society Seminar (topics vary) Alfred A. Marcus amarcus 612-624-2812

NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES -- College of Natural Resources -- 235 NatResAd, StP, 612-624-1234

NRES 3202 Leadership, Planning and Conflict in Natural Resources Kristen C. Nelson knelson 612-624-1277
NRES 4195 Problem Solving in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Kristen C. Nelson knelson 615-624-1277
X NRES 5001 Colloquium: Perspectives on Treaty Rights -- Treaty of 1837 - Understanding the Conflict; S'01; syllabus at George R. Spangler grs
612-624-9229 CL CS (++) B

NURSING -- School of Nursing -- 6-101 Weaver-Densford Hall, EB, 612-624-9600

X Nurs 5520 Women's Issues: A Health Perspective; w/ WoSt 5290 Deborah Rene Ringdahl ringd001 612-624-6494 ESC ? (-) B
Nurs 5801 Policymaking, Health Policy, Political Action and Nursing Mary G. Weisensee weise001 612-624-6604
Nurs 5803 Transcultural Nursing: Theories and Issues Marilyne R. Gustafson gusta001
Nurs 8140 Moral and Ethical Positions in Nursing; F'00 Laura J. Duckett ducke001 612-624-9160
Nurs 8150 Moral and Ethical development in Nursing Science Laura J. Duckett ducke001 612-624-9160
Nurs 8241 Health Care Leadership for a Changing World Linda Lucient Halcon halco001 612-626-6450

PHILOSOPHY -- Dept of Philosophy -- CLA -- 831 Mgt&Econ, WB, 612-625-6563 -- new faculty in moral philosophy Michelle Mason arr late August

X Phil 3302 Moral Problems of Contemporary Society Norman E. Bowie nbowie 612-625-6807 all IB (++) B
X Phil 5315 Ethical Theory of Bioethics ("Theory and Anti-theory") Jeffrey Kahn kahnx009 612-624-9440 CL IB (++)
Phil 5325 Biomedical Ethics Bruce "Carl" Elliott, Jr ellio023 612-626-5347
Phil 5415 Philosophy of Law Sarah W. Holtman holtm001 612-626-1764
Phil 8300 Workshop in Moral and Political Philosophy (concurrent w/ 4000-level course); S'01
n/a Phil 8310 Seminar:  Moral Philosophy; prof's home page see Valerie Tiberius tiber001 612-625-6563
Phil 8310 Seminar:  Moral Philosophy Norman E. Bowie nbowie 612-625-6807 or 626-7430 CSM
X Phil 8320 Ethics of Research on Human Subjects, w/ PubH 5729 Jeffrey Kahn kahnx009 612-624-9440 all IB (++) B
Phil 8420 Seminar:  Philosophy of Law
Phil ____ Cross-cultural issues in bioethics Bruce "Carl" Elliott, Jr ellio023 612-626-5347

POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Dept of Political Science -- CLA -- 1414 SocSci, WB, 612-624-4144

Pol 3070 Political Science Internships
X Pol 3873 Global Citizenship and International Ethics (syllabus off website) Richard Price rprice 612-625-3325 all IB (+) B
X Pol 4479 Latin American Politics Kathryn Sikkink ksikkink 612-624-7513 CL CS (+) B
X Pol 4485 Human Rights and Democracy in the World Kathryn Sikkink ksikkink 612-624-7513 CL IB (++) B
Pol 4883 Global Governance; F'00 Raymond Duvall rduvall 612-624-8576
X Pol 8260 Gender and Citizenship, w/ DSSC 8310; have course description Lisa Disch / Karen B. Thompson ldisch / kbt 6-7825 ldisch CL IB (+) B
n/a Pol 8403 International Norms and Institutions ---
X Pol 8407 Morality in World Politics Richard Price rprice 612-625-3325 CL IB (+)
Pol 8460 Topics in International Relations: Civil and Ethnic Conflict; F'00 Colin Kahl kahlx007
Pol 8633 Comparative Sociopolitical Change
X Pol 8660 Topic:  Human Rights and Post-Authoritarian Legacies in Latin America Kathryn Sikkink ksikkink 612-624-7513 CL CS (++) B

PSYCHOLOGY -- Dept of Psychology -- CLA -- N-218 Elliott Hall, EB, 612-625-4042

Psy 5205 Applied Social Psychology; F'00 Mari Hope Gonzalez gonza001 612-625-9035
Psy 8541 Seminar: Multicultural Issues in Counseling Psychology

PUBLIC AFFAIRS -- Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs -- 225 HHH, WB, 612-624-3800; "w" means syllabus off the website; for course info contact Stacey Grimes 6-1329

w PA 5012 The Politics of Public Affairs Sally Kenney kenne030 612-625-3409 CL IB (--)
w PA 5012 Politics, Planning and Decision Making:  Practical Philosophy and the Work of Public Affairs Harry Boyte boyte001 612-625-5509 CL T (-)
PA 5012 The Politics of Public Affairs Lawrence Katzenstein katze002 612-626-7825
w PA 5101 Nonprofit Management and Governance Melissa M. Stone stone039 612-624-3844 all T ?
w PA 5122 Law and Public Policy (American legal system); S'01 Mike Freeman mfreeman 612-371-3982 CL T (-)
PA 5253 Participatory Management and Public Involvement Strategies; S'01 John Bryson bryso001 612-625-5888
w PA 5261 Housing Policy; w. DHA 5463 Edward G. Goetz egoetz 612-624-5003 ESC CS (-) B
PA 5401 Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy; F'00 Maria J. Hanratty hanra003 612-625-6500 B
PA 5421 Racial Inequality and Public Policy (American society) Samuel L. Myers, Jr myers006 612-625-9821 B
w PA 5490 Topics:  Immigrants in Minnesota Katherine Fennelly fenne007 612-625-6685 CL CS (-)
w PA 5493 Wo Legal System & Policymaking:  Comparative Approaches to Equality Issues Marsha Freeman freem001 612-625-5557 CL CS/IB (++) B
w PA 5531 Strategies for Sustainable Development:  Theory and Practice Zbigniew Bochiniarz zbig 612-625-5527 ESC IB (-)
w PA 5601 Survey of Women, Law, and Public Policy in the United States Sally Kenney kenne030 612-625-3409 CL IB (++) B
PA 5690 Topics in Women and Public Policy:  Intl Pers: Women/Legal Sys; S'01 Marsha Freeman freem001 612-625-5557
PA 5801 U.S. Foreign Policy: Process and Analysis; S'01 Robert T. Kudrle kudrl001 612-625-3338
PA 5811 Public Policy Problems of Globalization Robert T. Kudrle kudrl001 612-625-3338
PA 5931 Global Commons Seminar: The Role of the Media in Public Affairs Sharon Anderson (?) ander008 612-625-8367
PA 5941 Leadership for the Common Good Katherine Fennelly / Barbara Crosby fenne007 / crosb002 5-6685 fenne
w PA 8203 Housing, Community Development and Social Policy; F'00 Edward G. Goetz egoetz 612-624-5003 ESC CS/T (+)
w PA 8321 Analysis of Discrimination (compare PubH 5055) Samuel L. Myers, Jr myers006 612-625-9821 ESC T (++) B
PA 8486 Work and Family in the United States and the Third World Deborah Levison levis001 612-624-3540
w PA 8686 Seminar:  Feminist Organizations and Feminism as a Social Movement Sally Kenney kenne030 612-625-3409 CL CS (-)
PA 8811 Strategic Issues in International Economic Policy (incl immigration); S'01 G. Edward Schuh schuh 612-625-8388

PUBLIC HEALTH -- School of Public Health -- A-302 Mayo, EB, 612-624-6669;; contact Prof. Aroskar?

X PubH 5055 Social Inequalities in Health; F'00; see (compare PA 8321) Rhonda Jean Jones-Webb jones 010 612-626-8866 ESC T (++) B
PubH 5110 Environmental and Worker Protection Law (U.S. only?); S'01 Ken Sexton sexto006 612-626-4244
PubH 5651 Advocating for Change for Children
X PubH 5653 Community Organizing for Public Health Workers; prof willing to expand HR content Sara Ann Axtell axtel002 612-625-4489 ESC T (-) M
X PubH 5729 Ethics of Research on Human Subjects, w/ Phil 8320 Jeffrey Kahn kahnx009 612-624-9440 all IB (++) B
n/a PubH 5735 Public Ethics/Politics and Public Health (subsumed into PubH 5780) ---
X PubH 5780 Ethics in Public Health: Practice, Policy and Research Jeffrey Kahn kahnx009 612-624-9440 all IB/T (++) B
X PubH 8805 Sociology of Health and Illness Kathleen T. Call callx001 612-624-3922 ESC IB (-)

RHETORIC -- Dept of Rhetoric -- College of Agricultural, Food & Environmental Sciences -- 64 ClassroomOfcBldg, StP, 612-624-3445

Rhet 5111 Message Design: Theory and Practice I Laura J. Gurak gurakl 612-624-3773
Rhet 8550 Topics:  International and Intercultural Communication Victoria M. Mikelonis mikel001 612-624-6206

SOCIAL WORK -- School of Social Work -- College of Human Ecology -- 105 Peters Hall, StP, 612-624-5888

SW 5052 Ecologies of Child Development Within Communities of Color; F'00
X SW 5525 Global Perspectives on Social Welfare, Peace and Justice; F'99, S'01; w/SW 8525; good core course Dario Menanteau dmenante 612-625-8798 ESC IB (++) B
SW 8505 Advanced Community Organization and Advocacy
X SW 8525 Global Perspectives on Social Welfare, Peace and Justice, w/ SW 5525; good core course Dario Menanteau dmenante 612-625-8798 ESC IB (++) B

SOCIOLOGY -- Dept of Sociology -- CLA -- 909 SocSci, WB, 612-624-4300; what about criminology?

Soc 4101 Sociology of Law; S'01 Elizabeth Boyle boyle014 612-624-3343
X Soc 5301 Social Movements Ron R. Aminzade (IGS) aminzade 612-624-9570 ESC IB/CS (+) B
X Soc 8390 Topics:  Sociology of Hate and Genocide; will mail syllabus; Brustein leaving UofM 1/1/01 William I. Brustein brust 612-624-1895 ESC IB (++) B
Soc 8971 Moral Dilemmas in the Conduct of Social Science

SOUTH ASIAN LANGUAGES & CULTURES -- Institute of Asian Languages and Literature -- CLA -- 453 Folwell, EB, 612-625-6534 Jeff

SALC 5521 Ghandi and Non-Violent Revolution S.P. Udayakumar, 415 Law spkumar 612-626-7831
SALC 8720 Seminar: Interdisciplinary Study of South Asian Topics (ask dept dir. Indira Junghare)

SPANISH -- Dept of Spanish and Portuguese -- CLA -- 34 Folwell Hall, EB, 612-624-5808

Span 5532 Literature and National Disintegration; S'01 Rene Jara jarax001 612-625-6661
Span ____ Human Rights and Spanish Literature (?) Hernan Vidal vidal001 612-625-1837

SPEECH-COMMUNICATION -- Dept of Speech-Communication -- CLA -- 460 Folwell Hall, EB, 612-624-5800

X Spch 4231 Comparing Electronic Media Systems Donald R. Browne brown003 612-624-4041 ESC CS (-)
X Spch 4235 Electronic Media and Ethnic Minorities -- A World View; F'00 Donald R. Browne brown003 612-624-4041 ESC CS (+)
Spch 5233 Electronic Media and National Development

SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE SYSTEMS -- Dept of Agronomy & Plant Genetics -- College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences -- 411 Borlang, StP, 612-625-8235

SAgr 8010 Colloquium in Sustainable Agriculture Craig C. Sheaffer sheaf001 612-625-7224

WATER RESOURCES SCIENCE -- Graduate School -- 146 ClassroomOfcBldg, StP, 612-624-9282

WRS 5101 Water Resources, Individuals and Institutions; S'01 Patrick L. Brezonik brezo001 612-625-0866

WOMEN'S STUDIES -- Dept of Women's Studies -- CLA -- 489 Ford Hall, EB, 612-624-6006

X WoSt 4401 see Chic 4401 Eden Torres torre007 612-625-5035 ESC CS (-)
X WoSt 5103 Feminist Pedagogy (compare to EPsy 5135) Eden Torres torre007 612-625-5035 ESC T (-) M
WoSt 5104 International Feminist Theory
X WoSt 5290 Topics:  Women's Issues: A Health Perspective; w/ NURS 5520; F'00 Deborah Rene Ringdahl ringd001 612-624-6494 ESC all (-) B
X WoSt 5403 Chicana/Latina Feminisms, w/ Chic 5403 Eden Torres torre007 612-625-5035 CL CS (+) B
X WoSt 5490 Topics: Social History of African Women; w/ Hist5436 Jean Allman allma002 612-626-7597 all CS (-)
WoSt 5505 Women and Indigenous Land Struggles B
X WoSt 8401 Gender, Space and Resistance; w/ Geog 8980 Richa Nagar nagar002 612-624-6006 all IB (+)
X WoSt 3003 Women and World Cultures; F'00 Richa Nagar nagar002 612-624-6006 ESC IB (+) B

WORK, COMMUNITY AND FAMILY EDUCATION -- Dept of Work, Community and Family Education -- College of Education and Human Development -- 210 VoTech, StP, 612-625-3757

n/a WCFE 5341 Global Program Delivery Techniques and Technology of Extension; w/ AFEE 5341 Jim Warner warne024 612-926-4518
WCFE 5351 Methods for Change in Developing Countries
WCFE 5821 Diversity and Organizational Transformation in Work, Community and Family Education; w/ HRD 5821; F'00 Jim Brown brown014 612-624-7754
X WCFE 8141 History and Philosophy of Work, Community and Family Education; F'00 Ruth G. Thomas thoma006 612-624-4772 ESC IB (-)


X IntSt 2000 Global Studies/International Studies 2000 -- Workshop on Teaching about the Holocaust and Genocide; 1-week Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL T (++)
X CLA 1905 Topics: Freshman Seminar -- The Holocaust and Contemporary Genocide Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL CS (++)
X LS 5100 Liberal Studies:  Holocaust Narratives -- Speaking with Survivors Stephen Feinstein feins001 612-626-2235 CL CS (++) B


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